Get Involved

We need your help!

Contribution process

If you are interested in supporting this project, join the project itself. Start downloading the code, look at the documentation provided and join us on Discord. This is the most interactive way to connect to MOSA’s development team.


We need help to achieve our goals. You can either help us with documentation, community, by fixing bugs in our code base, fixing reported issues or taking on one of the open jobs. If you want to contribute, please make yourself heard on our Discord server.


We are open to contributions from all areas. There are some exceptions though, which mean that we can not accept your contributions if you:

  • have inspected proprietary code with Reflector, ildasm or similar tools and you plan on providing MOSA an implementation of that.

  • have access to proprietary code related to operating system development, managed code or runtime implementations for managed environments.

Please be careful with any contribution you make regarding to patents, other open source licenses and any potential restrictions. We can only accept contributions compatible with the New BSD License. MIT license is a compatible license, while GNU licenses are incomparable. Read more about our License policy.